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Our Summer Concert 2022

What a fantastic time we had performing at St Columba’s Church, Wallsend on June 9th 2022. With over 200 people in the audience, and nearly all of the choir performing a wide variety of songs, we had a very enjoyable time.

Les, our Master of Ceremonies, introduced every piece, adding a touch of humour to the procedure, and having sung through numbers such as  the local favourite Water of Tyne, the Welsh lullaby Suo Gan,  and  the Eurovision winner Love Shine A Light, the choir went on to culminate, after approximately an hour and a half,  in a medley from the Andrew Lloyd Webber classic, Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.

As a part of the programme, the chamber choir sang two pieces, the John Taverner piece, The Lamb, followed by If Ye Love Me by Thomas Tallis which got a very good reception from the audience.

Thanks to all those who set up this successful event tonight, including Bernie from St Columba’s church.  We are proud and pleased to have managed to attract some new members to the choir too as a result of tonight’s performance.

Wallsend Community Choir hope to perform at St Columba’s again in the not too distant future.

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