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We’ve hit the Lottery jackpot!

The choir was delighted late in 2019 to be awarded a grant of £4,840 from the National Lottery Community Fund. The grant was awarded to help the choir expand its numbers, run workshops to engage the community in singing, and to purchase new music scores. I will also cover the costs of our new accompanist for a year.

We have exciting plans to hold fun singing events throughout the year for all the family. So please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss out. Also look out for posters and notices in the local press.

If you live in North Tyneside, Newcastle upon Tyne or anywhere in the North East, and would like to join the choir, simply get in touch using the phone number on the contacts page, or contact us on social media:

Facebook: @Wallsendcommunitychoir

Twitter: @Wallsendchoir

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